Allova – Get Away (Empty Files Remix)

Get Away – Allova // Empty Files remix (official music video)

Directed by Alla Mikhaylova, starring Alla Mikhaylova.
Camera by Alberto Castaño, made in A Coruña City, Spain.
Follow Empty Files: @emptyfiles


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Detrás del nombre de ALLOVA se encuentra en realidad la cantante, pianista, productora y compositora, radicada en Galicia, España. A través de melodías de piano de ensueño, las emotivas y sensuales voces que contrarrestan al grueso de los bajos, beats y sonidos electrónicos, Allova transmita toda la paleta de emociones con su música, imposible de encasillar en un único estilo. Su directo potente ha llevado a la artista, acompañada de su banda, a tocar en numerosos eventos y festivales a nivel nacional. En 2021 al publicar su disco debut “Hope & Despair”, ALLOVA se consolida como artista 360º: compositora y productora de todas las canciones del álbum, queriendo ser ejemplo e inspirar a otras mujeres a lanzar sus carreras musicales.


Behind the name of ALLOVA is actually a singer, pianist, producer and composer, based in Galicia, Spain. Through dreamy piano melodies, emotional and sensual voices that counteract the bulk of the basses, beats and electronic sounds, Allova transmits the entire palette of emotions with her music, impossible to pigeonhole into a single style. Her powerful live performance has led the artist, accompanied by her band, to play at numerous events and festivals nationwide. In 2021, by releasing her debut album “Hope & Despair”, ALLOVA consolidates herself as a 360º artist: composer and producer of all the songs on the album, wanting to be an example and inspire other women to launch their musical careers.

Empty Files is a Basque post-industrial band from Bilbao. Formed by the main producer, songwriter and instrumentalist, Txufo Wilson. Covers a wide range of genres including electronica. Empty Files was founded by Txufo Wilson as a solo project in 2013. He released two EPs “Empty Files – EP”, “Remixed Files” and a cover of The Normal, “Warm Leatherette”. In the meantime he had working on his debut LP “Shadows”. Prior to its release, Wilson directed his energy into building a band around this project. With the aim of delivering a full sensorial experience within the context of live performance. Empty Files integrates visual elements on stage, along with performances, which frequently includes light shows and video.

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